Here is a little love poem I made as a tribute to my grandmother and all grandmothers out there!
By Claudia Sloan
A is for ABUELITA, Granny.
My ears rejoice
to the sound of your cheerful voice.
B for Beso, Kiss.
Your tender kiss
gives me comfort and gives me bliss.
U for ¡Ultraarchirequeterecontrarico!, Supermegalicious!
Your cooking brings
sana, sana, cure to all things.
E for Esperanza, Hope.
I feel the joys
of optimism and choice.
L for Luz, Light.
Your shining light
illuminates me day and night.
I for InspiraciĆ³n, Inspiration.
Your warm, sweet smell
hugs me dearly, magical spell.
T for Tesoro, Treasure.
Your wisdom goes
everywhere with me, far or close.
A is for Amor, Love.
And so your love
wraps me gently like a warm glove.
Granny, you are love.
Abuelita, eres Amor.
Copyright © 2022 Claudia Sloan. All Rights Reserved.