Unboxing a Book I Won on a Contest!

I won this book by participating at author Laura Roettinger's Blog.  You can check it out at https://lauraroettigerbooks.com/blog/ 

...And many thanks to the author, Mary Boone!  You can learn more about her and her books at https://www.boonewrites.com. 

By the way, COINCIDENTALLY, the day I won this book I was cooking for dinner a gourmet organic linguine pasta dish with sea scallops.  I had prepared everything and set aside, to add to the cooked pasta in individual bowls.  To my surprise, as I approached the bowls I noticed these:

picture of pasta with bugs

...BUGS! ...they had cooked with my pasta! 😱 🤢 🤮

Good news, I saw them BEFORE putting in the pasta sauce and everything else.  ...So, nope.  I did not eat bugs this time :-).  That said, Mary's book has some really interesting recipes!   🤔 who knows, maybe I'll give eating bugs a second thought when I'm done reading.